Friday, June 02, 2006

hey let me introduce u to some new people

As a child when I watched movies I always used to wonder how can perfect strangers become friends .I always envied the people who had this quality.One of the main reasons for my desparation for this "EUROTRIP" was that I wanted to see whether I have this quality or not.

And frankly speaking I have been a bit disappointed in this aspect but part of the blame also goes to the lack of knowledge of English among Germans.So till now I have just made acquaintances and not friends.Well very frankly the beard and the turban makes people inquisitive(some might also say skeptical)This can work to your advantage and also your disadvantage

My first "friend" here (I am not going to use "" anymore but in this blog the meaning should be implied)was an Arab who has this restaurant where we used to go to have lunch(Hmmmm this friendship is economically also feasible).He insisted on not taking the payment for a chocolate but i didnt want to start a friendship like this so I insisted on paying back

another friend is a bulgarian(who thought that I didnt know the capital of Bulgaria).he is 4 inches taller than me 5 inches wider.Man what a build.Then there is JJ a yugosalavian who reads Bhagvad gita

Ok the most that I can tell you about is Jana.I was having lunch one day(today ;))and she comes up and asks whether there is place and I of course reply yes.and the chatting starts.Surprise surprise she knows English(though I dont know why Germans always answer "a little bit"when you ask them do you know English).so she is from Leipzig only and is studying art at the local art college.20 years old.with a nice smile and before I could continue with my flirting guess who shows up?Her dad Chris.Well just to show that I wasnt hitting on his girl(even though I was) I start a conversation with him too.Too bad the story ended there only.


At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

arre bataaya to karo when u write a new blog! good to know u're making more and more friends.. doesnt look like any barriers at all :)


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